Phone: (804) 823-7745
The WiseChoice Healthcare Alliance, created in partnership with Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. This program is offered to members of the Central Virginia African American Chamber of Commerce and other participating chambers with tools and resources to reduce healthcare costs while improving employee wellness and engagement. WiseChoice connects small businesses with the ability to manage healthcare costs effectively while improving access to care. By pooling resources in a self-funded group, WiseChoice reduces administrative expenses and spreads claims risk, making healthcare more accessible and affordable for Virginia businesses.
When CVAACC members, who are employers, take part in the WiseChoice program, they can enjoy:
The WiseChoice Healthcare Alliance is available exclusively to CVAACC members and other participating chambers or associations. To qualify:
The mission of the Central Virginia African American Chamber of Commerce is to strengthen the community by supporting and promoting the recycling of dollars within the African American community. We will realize this mission by educating the African American business and consumer base on the value of doing business with one another.